Three owner-friendly tools to help a business owner protect, grow, and realize the value of their company.
Written in the same approachable style that has made Built to Sell the world’s most popular exit book, the owner-friendly Value Builder Report gives your prospect an estimate of the value of their company plus a road map for improving it.
Seventy-four percent of owners have regrets one year after they exit. The PREScore™ (Personal Readiness to Exit Score) Report assesses whether a business owner is psychologically ready to exit their business, helping them avoid disappointment.
With Freedom Score, assess whether owners are financially prepared to sustain their desired lifestyle after they exit their company. This report helps owners think about life beyond their business and map out a road to financial freedom.
"Value Builder has had a massive impact on our practice. When someone completes an assessment, we see a higher level of interest that turns into conversions."
Jason Hullender
Managing Director , IAG M&A Advisors
Leverage the Value Builder assessment toolset to engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations with owners and gain a 360-degree view of their business and personal lives.
A value assessment toolset that helps advisors start more strategic conversations with business owners.