VidGuide™ Terms and Conditions for Advisors
Effective Date: March 1, 2024
You must be an active Value Builder License Holder in order to subscribe to the VidGuide™ Partner or Unlimited Programs. By using and accessing VidGuide™, you acknowledge and agree to the Value Builder and VidGuide™ terms and conditions available online at:
Subscription Period:
Your subscription commences on the day on which the initial charge appears on your credit card, unless otherwise agreed in writing, and continues in conjunction with your Value Builder License, until terminated as set out below.
You or we can terminate your VidGuide™ subscription by providing 30 days written notice. You’ll still need to pay all relevant VidGuide™ Subscription Fees up to and including the date of termination. Your access to VidGuide™ (including access by your firm and your Business Owners) will end immediately on the date of termination. Please note: upon termination of your VidGuide™ subscription for any reason, you will immediately forfeit any future referral payments under your VidGuide™ subscription. Business Owners with a Partner license who were under your VidGuide™ subscription may continue to pay and maintain their own access if they so wish. If your Value Builder License terminates for any reason, your VidGuide™ subscription will also terminate at the same time.
Access to the Services:
By adding VidGuide™ to your Value Builder subscription:
- You will have access to sell VidGuide™ to your Business Owners and your firm.
- You may offer a 30-day trial to a Business Owner (Applicable to Partner License only).
- You and your Business Owners will be able to download your videos from VidGuide™.
For any questions related to VidGuide™, please contact your Account Manager.